The arrival of a baby is a time of joy and major upheaval in a woman's life. However, amid all the emotions and adjustments, many moms may face a surprising problem: postpartum hair loss . This phenomenon, although temporary, can be a source of concern for several months.
In this article, we will delve into the complex world of hair during maternity. From the normal hair cycle (because yes, hair is hair!) to hormonal changes , from pregnancy to childbirth , we will explore every aspect of hair health during this unique time in a woman's life. In addition, we will give you valuable advice on how to prevent and treat maternity-related hair loss , highlighting natural solutions and effective products, such asReborn Paris food supplements .
Get ready to discover how to care for your precious locks throughout your journey through motherhood, because every woman deserves to feel beautiful, even during this extraordinary journey, and even with a baby. Because before being a mother, you are above all a woman.

1. The normal hair cycle
has. Growth phase (anagen)
The first stage of the normal hair cycle is the growth phase , scientifically known as anagen . This phase is characterized by intense cellular activity at the base of the hair follicle, where cells divide rapidly to produce new hair cells.
During this phase, 85% of the hair actively grows and gains length. The growth rate is on average 1cm/month . The length of the anagen phase varies from person to person, depending on their genetics, but on average it can last 2 to 7 years . A great variability which explains why some people grow faster than others.
b. Transition phase (catagen)
After the growth phase (anagen), hair enters the transition phase , also known as catagen . This natural stage of the cycle, of a relatively short duration of 2 to 3 weeks , marks the end of active growth of the fiber . This phase is progressive and only affects a tiny percentage of hair at a time (1%). Each hair goes through this transition before moving on to the next phase (telogen). This constantly renews the hair, allowing the growth of new healthy hair to replace the old ones.
During the catagen phase, the hair follicle begins to shrink, which cuts off the nutrient supply to the hair cells. As a result, the hair becomes less active and the cells at the base of the hair follicle stop dividing rapidly. This slows down the production of new cells while those already present begin to detach themselves from the scalp: this is hair loss, you start to lose your hair.
vs. Resting phase (telogen)
The shedding phase , or telogen , is the third and final stage of the hair cycle. It generally lasts from 2 months to 4 months and corresponds to a period where you naturally begin to lose resting hair shafts to make way for new ones to develop.
About 10-15% of your scalp population is in this phase at any given time. It's important to note that each hair goes through this phase independently at the end of its growth cycle, meaning you don't lose them all at once. So, you can lose around 100 hairs per day , although this figure may vary from person to person. If you are losing more hair, it may be worth identifying the cause of your hair loss to eradicate it .
In short, the telogen phase is an essential stage of the hair cycle which allows it to be kept in top shape by constantly renewing the hair. It prepares the ground for the return of the anagen phase, where active growth will resume for a new healthy growth cycle.
To learn more about this incredible cycle, discover our dedicated article here :
2. Hair cycle during pregnancy: the impact of estrogen hormones
has. Hormonal changes during pregnancy
During the months of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant endocrine changes to support the growth and development of the fetus. The main changes that occur during pregnancy include:
Estrogen: Estrogen levels increase significantly during pregnancy. This hormone promotes the growth and maintenance of the uterus to accommodate the fetus. It also impacts other parts of the body, including the mane and skin.
Progesterone: Progesterone is an important hormone during pregnancy because it supports the lining of the uterus and prepares the breasts for lactation. It also plays a role in regulating the hair cycle.
HCG (chorionic gonadotropic hormone): This hormone is produced in large quantities by the placenta during pregnancy. It is responsible for maintaining the production of progesterone, which is essential for maintaining pregnancy .
Prolactin: Prolactin increases in preparation for breast milk production. It can also influence the skin appendages.
Thyroid hormones: Thyroid hormones, particularly thyroxine (T4), increase slightly during pregnancy to meet the increased needs of maternal and fetal metabolism. Thyroid imbalances can impact your mane.
We detailed the close link between hormones and hair in our article: Hormones and hair: friends or enemies? 😇👿
b. Hair Cycle Changes During Pregnancy
Each of the hormones mentioned above can potentially influence the hair cycle during the months of pregnancy:
Estrogen: It tends to prolong the hair growth phase (anagen) by increasing the duration of this phase. This means that a greater proportion of the hair is actively growing at the same time, which can give the impression of greater density and thickness during pregnancy. Additionally, this hormone can make hair stronger and less likely to break.
Progesterone: Progesterone can also help maintain hair in the growing phase, helping to reduce hair loss. It works by supporting the hair follicle during pregnancy.
HCG (Chorionic Gonadotropic Hormone): HCG maintains the production of progesterone, which, in turn, can positively influence the hair cycle by prolonging the growth phase.
Prolactin: Prolactin is primarily associated with breast milk production, but high levels can also influence your hair. However, its precise impact on the skin appendages is not as well understood as that of other hormones.
Thyroid hormones: Thyroid hormones, particularly thyroxine (T4), play a role in the body's metabolism, including hair growth. Thyroid imbalances, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can impact the hair by speeding up or slowing down the cycle.
vs. Hair during pregnancy: density and texture
During the months of pregnancy, many women notice positive changes in the appearance and texture of their hair, in part due to the endocrine fluctuations discussed above. This is what the mane usually looks like during pregnancy:
Increased Hair Growth: Due to increased levels of the female hormone, a greater proportion of the hair enters the growth phase (anagen) at the same time. This gives the impression of faster growth and higher density.
Thicker, Fuller Hair: Hair may appear thicker and fuller due to increased growth and reduced shedding during pregnancy.
Less hair loss: High levels of estrogen and progesterone can reduce hair loss, meaning less is lost each day.
Shinier Hair: Many pregnant women find that their mane becomes shinier and healthier due to hormonal changes.
Reduced sebum production: For some women, hormones can reduce sebum production, which can be beneficial for those who tend to have oily hair.
These changes are often welcomed by pregnant women because they can make hair appear healthier and more attractive. However, it is important to remember that these effects are temporary and specific to pregnancy. After childbirth, hormone levels return to normal, and this impacts the development of your hair. Some women may lose their hair temporarily. This phenomenon is known as “telogen effluvium” or “postpartum alopecia.”
3. Hair cycle after childbirth (postpartum)
has. Factors influencing the postpartum hair cycle after childbirth
The hair cycle after childbirth, and even several months afterwards, can be influenced by several factors, the main ones being:
Estrogen Drop: One of the most significant hormonal changes after childbirth is the significant drop in estrogen levels. This hormonal drop can have an impact on the life cycle of the fiber, as it previously contributed to prolonging the growth phase (anagen). At lower levels, some fibers may move more quickly into the shedding (telogen) phase, which can cause hair loss temporarily (a few months).
Stress and Fatigue: The arrival of a newborn can be a source of stress and fatigue for many mothers for several months. Stress and chronic fatigue can negatively influence hair, disrupting its cycle and leading to increased hair loss, which can cause stress and therefore even more hair loss, a real vicious circle!
Return of diaper and blood loss: Return of diaper is the return of menstruation after childbirth, and it is often accompanied by blood loss. These losses can cause a temporary decrease in iron stores in the body, which can affect the quality of your hair. And it is well known: an iron deficiency can cause hair loss, resulting in hair loss after childbirth.
Non-Optimal Feeding due to Lack of Time: New mothers may often have little time to feed properly due to the baby's constant demands. Not getting enough essential nutrients can impact your hair. The latter indeed needs vitamins, minerals and proteins to stay in great shape.
Changes in Routine and Priorities: After giving birth, mothers may be less inclined to spend time on their hair care due to the new care routine for the baby. It can also affect the mane.
Breastfeeding: Some women choose to breastfeed, which can also influence hormonal changes and nutrient availability in the body. This can have repercussions on the hair.
b. Hair after childbirth: density and texture
Hair a few months after childbirth can have various characteristics due to hormonal changes and maternity-related factors. This is what hair usually looks like after childbirth:
Postpartum Hair Loss - Postpartum Alopecia: Many women experience increased hair loss after childbirth, a phenomenon known as "telogen effluvium" or "postpartum alopecia." This can give the impression of more hair loss than usual. It is often due to the drop in hormonal levels after pregnancy, causing the hair cycle to return to normal.
Thin Hair: Losing this hair in the months following childbirth can cause hair to appear thinner or less dense. This period of hair loss can last for several months, but is usually temporary.
Hair Regrowth: After the postpartum hair loss phase, we observe numerous regrowths, often around the forehead line. This new hair is generally shorter and finer than mature hair.
Hair Texture: Hair texture may also be affected. Some report more dryness, while others, conversely, report a more oily texture during this period.
Transitioning Hair: Hair can be in transition for several months after giving birth, meaning it goes through different phases of the cycle. This can give the appearance of uneven hair texture.
Return to Normal: Over time, hormonal levels tend to stabilize, and hair gradually returns to its usual appearance and texture. Complete regrowth can take several months, even a year or more.
It is essential to note that postpartum hair loss is usually temporary and most women return to their normal hair density after a few months. However, it is important to maintain a balanced diet, manage stress, and take care of overall health to promote hair regrowth after childbirth. If hair loss persists or becomes concerning, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
4. Prevent and Treat Hair Loss during Pregnancy and after Childbirth: care and dietary supplements
The best solution for postpartum alopecia remains a holistic approach to beauty, preventive and curative, In & Out
has. During pregnancy: tips to prevent hair loss
Here are some preventative tips during pregnancy to reduce the likelihood of postpartum hair loss:
Balanced Diet: Follow a diet rich in essential nutrients to strengthen hair health and prevent hair loss. Make sure you're getting protein, vitamins (especially biotin and vitamin E), minerals (like iron and zinc), and essential fatty acids in your diet. Find out how to have dream hair with specific foods by clicking here .
Supplements: Consult your doctor to determine if you need specific supplements during pregnancy to maintain hair health. Never take food supplements without medical advice.
Gentle Hair Care: Use gentle hair products and avoid harsh treatments. Limit the use of products containing potentially harmful chemicals because you risk getting the opposite effect from what you want: hair loss.
Hydration: Make sure you stay well hydrated by drinking enough water throughout your pregnancy.
Stress and Fatigue Management: Practice stress management techniques to minimize stress levels during pregnancy. Chronic stress can contribute to postpartum hair loss. Also, rest is essential to limit fatigue, which will be even more accentuated in the months after childbirth and which will indirectly cause hair loss.
Medical Consultation: If you have specific concerns about the health of your hair during pregnancy, such as excessive hair loss, discuss them with your healthcare professional. They can provide you with advice and recommendations tailored to your situation.
Healthy Scalp: Take care of your scalp by avoiding irritation and maintaining good hair hygiene.
Gentle Styling: Avoid hairstyles that pull excessively on the hair or scalp. Opt for softer hairstyles that don't exert excess tension.
Medical Supervision: Follow the advice of your healthcare professional throughout pregnancy and report any concerns about the health of your hair.
Keep in mind that even with these preventative measures, it is possible to experience some postpartum hair loss due to hormonal changes. However, these tips can help minimize the severity of hair loss and promote faster recovery after childbirth.
b. After delivery: Treating postpartum hair loss with In & Out solutions
That's it, you are a mother. But inevitably, your hair is giving you a hard time due to the factors mentioned above.
With the Out
Treating hair loss after pregnancy (postpartum) with "out" products can help strengthen hair, stimulate regrowth and improve its appearance. Here are some tips for treating postpartum hair loss with external hair products and care:
Strengthening Shampoos and Conditioners: Use shampoos and conditioners specially formulated to strengthen fine, weak hair. Look for products with ingredients like biotin, caffeine, keratin, and vitamins to promote hair growth.
Hair Treatments: Explore treatments like strengthening masks and anti-hair loss serums. These products are designed to strengthen hair, hydrate it and stimulate regrowth.
Gentle Brushing: Use a hairbrush with soft bristles to avoid pulling on weak hair. Excessive brushing can make hair loss worse.
Avoid excessive heat: Reduce the use of heating appliances such as hair dryers, flat irons and curling irons. Excessive heat can damage hair and make it more fragile. They will be more likely to fall.
Protective hairstyles: Opt for hairstyles that don't put excessive traction on the hair, such as loose ponytails or soft buns. Avoid tight hairstyles that can pull on hair and cause it to fall out.
Sun protection: If you are exposed to the sun, use hair products containing sun protection to avoid damage caused by UV rays which causes breakage and eventual hair loss.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Avoid chemical treatments such as perms, bleaches, and harsh hair coloring, which can further weaken hair.
Scalp Massage: A gentle scalp massage can help stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth. You can use specific nourishing oils for a scalp massage.
Balanced Diet: Continue to maintain a nutrient-rich diet to provide hair with the essential elements it needs to stay healthy.
Consultation with a professional: If hair loss after pregnancy persists or worsens despite hair care, consult a dermatologist or health care professional who specializes in hair problems. They can recommend specific treatments tailored to your situation.
It's important to note that hair regrowth after postpartum loss can take time. Be patient and persevere with your hair care routine to achieve the best results.
With the In
You can integrate a food supplement into your daily routine to compensate for possible deficiencies and help you with your postpartum alopecia. Food supplements are indeed essential for your hair. We explain everything to you in our dedicated article here .
At the heart of our Absolu+ Hair , we have integrated the Keranat™ complex. A patented, 100% vegetable and natural active ingredient based on millet oil , gluten-free, which is an innovative and natural solution to effectively combat hair loss after childbirth and to restore beauty and shine to hair.
Keranat™ has the particularity of acting directly on the biological engine of hair: the dermal papilla . After all the upheavals linked to pregnancy and childbirth mentioned above in this article, Keranat™ offers the possibility of restoring a healthy life cycle to hair which tends to fall out .
Thus, Absolu+ Hair chewable tablets significantly reduce hair loss by approximately 50% after a 12-week treatment, and stimulate cell multiplication in the hair bulb , which is important for optimal hair regrowth. The synergy of its active ingredients makes it possible to increase the thickness of the collagen around the hair bulb, which allows a more solid anchoring of the hair, which will be less likely to fall out. The hair are also more resistant, beautiful, shiny, nourished and less dry.
Complete Absolu+ Hair with our Hair & Nails gummies based on horsetail, vitamins and minerals . In addition to avoiding deficiencies which can be the cause of hair loss , these ingredients will play an antioxidant role to limit oxidative stress which causes micro-inflammation of the scalp and premature aging of the scalp. the hair fiber causing hair loss. The silica contained in horsetail will stimulate the synthesis of collagen in the cavity which contains the hair for thickened skin and better anchored hair which will fall out much less . The vitamin C contained in Hair & Nails will promote the absorption of iron , which, when in insufficient quantity, can be the cause of hair loss. This is all the more relevant in the context of a return to childbirth which is very often accompanied by an iron deficiency. Thanks to horsetail and nutrients, hair regrowth is promoted and is accompanied by intense strengthening.
Being a mother is a period of transformation, happiness and discoveries. However, it can also be associated with changes in hair health that can sometimes be concerning. Postpartum hair loss is a common occurrence, but it shouldn't take away from the wonderful experience of motherhood or your days with baby.
By exploring the normal hair cycle, hormonal changes during pregnancy and after childbirth, and providing valuable advice on the prevention and treatment of hair loss, we hope to have provided useful information for mothers who wish to maintain their beauty and self-confidence during this unique period of their lives, without being disturbed by their falling hair.
Remember that every woman is beautiful, inside and out, and taking care of your hair is a way to pamper yourself during your journey through motherhood. With quality products such as Reborn Paris food supplements, you can continue to shine and shine with complete confidence.
Enjoy every moment of this extraordinary adventure as a mother but also as a woman, and remember that you are beautiful every step of the way.