They irritate and disturb us. Dandruff is often caused by a scalp problem. Here are our explanations and solutions to overcome this unsightly problem.
Dandruff, what is it?
It is a condition of the hair and scalp.
Nearly 50% of the world's population is affected.
Dandruff is small fragments (scales) of the scalp that break off, spreading into the hair or onto the shoulders.
They are due to excessive scaling of the scalp.
What are the symptoms of dandruff?
Scaling is the main symptom, but in more severe forms
severe you may feel:
Dry scalp
Scalp tightness
Factors favoring the appearance of dandruff
There are two types of films: 1. Dry dandruff
Dry or simple films are gray or white in color and come off easily.
2.Oily dandruff
Oily, thick, yellowish dandruff is associated with seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin condition.
In both situations, a microscopic yeast called Malassezia
furfur is involved in excessive scalp flaking and the appearance of dandruff. This yeast causes irritation of the scalp and too rapid cell renewal. Studies show that the quantity of Malassezia is multiplied by 2 in cases of dandruff.
In other, rarer cases, the presence of dandruff is due to psoriasis.
Possible developments and complications:
Dandruff is benign.
Many people with dandruff complain about its social impact, so it is important to find treatment to eliminate it.
However, when it is due to seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis, dandruff will tend to recur.
Treatments for hair dandruff
1) Anti-dandruff shampoo
In the majority of cases, its regular use solves the problem. Sometimes these shampoos usually contain antifungal, keratolytic and soothing agents to combat the itch.
2) Cure of food supplements
Food supplements based on horsetail, biotin, vitamin C,
vitamin D and zinc like the Hair & Nails treatment from REBORN will have
a role in strengthening the hair but also a role on the
seboregulation thus making it possible to reduce dandruff episodes.
3) Scalp massage
Scalp massages with certain oils (aloe vera or coconut) stimulate the scalp and moisturize it.
4) Be careful with helmets and hats
In fact, prolonged carrying of the latter 2 strongly favors
sebum production and prevents the scalp from breathing and
will thus promote the appearance of dandruff.
5) Seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis
In these cases, consult a doctor for medical treatment
Dandruff impacts our daily lives but fortunately there are many solutions to reduce it and get rid of it over time. Be patient and take charge of this problem which is sometimes prone to emerging and cumbersome complexes. Don't let dandruff diminish your self-confidence!
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