For who ?
Precautions for use
Our advice
✓ Réfractaires aux gélules
✓ Beauty lovers
✓ Tous les types de cheveux
✓ Personnes régulièrement stressées
✓ Personnes en carences alimentaires
✓ Personnes souffrant de calvitie
✓ Femmes en post-partum
✓ Personnes en post-opératoire
Reconstructeur Capillaire et Ongulaire : Maintien - Force - Croissance
Vos cheveux vous donnent du fil à retordre? Les gummies Hair and Nails vont venir révolutionner votre routine capillaire. Appréciez le délicieux arôme naturel Tutti Frutti et laissez-vous convaincre par le concentré d’efficacité que renferme cette gomme fruitée 100% vegan. De la prêle, des probiotiques, des vitamines et des minéraux, découvrez la recette pour des cheveux forts, en pleine santé et qui poussent plus vite !
Des Gummies aux Bienfaits Capillaires Inégalés
- Maintient les cheveux en bonne santé
- Protège le follicule pileux des dommages oxydatifs
- Structure la fibre capillaire
- Renforce et fortifie les cheveux pour des cheveux forts
- Apporte brillance, luminosité et éclat pour de beaux cheveux
- Accélère la pousse des cheveux pour des cheveux longs
- Augmente le volume des cheveux
- Réduit la casse et la chute des cheveux
- Réduit les pellicules
- Maintient les ongles en bonne santé
- Structure les ongles
- Fortifie les ongles
- Améliore l’apparence des ongles
- Accélère la pousse des ongles
- Réduit les tâches blanches
Des Gummies aux Bienfaits Ongulaires Inégalés
Actifs | Pour 2 Gummies |
Extrait de prêle | 11 mg |
Vitamine B6 | 1,4 mg (100% AR*) |
Vitamine B8 | 108 µg (217% AR*) |
Vitamine B9 | 100 µg (50% AR*) |
Vitamine B12 | 2,7 µg (108% AR*) |
Vitamine C | 48 mg (60% AR*) |
Vitamine D3 | 5,5 µg (110% AR*) |
Zinc | 10 mg (100% AR*) |
Lactobacillus casei | 450 M** |
Lactobacillus acidophilus | 225 M** |
*AR : Apports de référence
**Millions d'UFC : Unités Formant Colonie
LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DES INGRÉDIENTS : Agent de charge : sirop de maltitol; Eau; Gélifiant : pectine de fruits; Acidifiant : acide citrique; Vitamine C (acide ascorbique); Vitamine E (acétate D-alpha-tocophérol); Citrate de zinc; Correcteur d'acidité : citrate de sodium; Concentré de potiron et de pomme; Arôme naturel tutti frutti; Extrait d’herbe de prêle (Equisetum arvense L., Europe); Agents d'enrobage : cire de carnauba et huile de tournesol; Vitamine B12 (cobalamine); Extrait de lichen des rennes (Cladonia rangiferina L, hors Europe) titré en vitamine D3; Vitamine B6 (hydrochlorate de pyridoxine); Probiotiques : Lactobacillus casei et Lactobacillus acidophilus; Vitamine B8 (biotine); Vitamine B9 (acide folique).
✓ Combien ? 2 gummies par jour en une prise ou en prises séparées.
✓ Quand ? A n’importe quel moment de la journée : au cours d’un repas ou en grignotage.
✓ Combien de temps ? 3 mois à renouveler 1 à 2 fois par an.
✓ Promesses ? De premiers résultats le premier mois. Des résultats optimaux au bout de 3 mois*.
*Les résultats peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre.
✓ Ne dispense pas d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d'un mode de vie sain.
✓ Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée.
✓ A conserver au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière.
✓ Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants.
✓ Déconseillé aux enfants et aux adolescents.
✓ Demander conseil à un pharmacien ou un médecin pour les femmes enceintes ou les femmes allaitantes.
✓ Une consommation excessive peut avoir des effets laxatifs.
Complete the benefits
Perfect match

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32.00€ - Regular price
32.00€ - Sale price
Questions about this product?
HAIR & NAILS : What is it?
It is a treatment of food supplements in the form of Tutti Frutti (multifruit) flavor gummies for hair and nails.
What are the benefits of HAIR & NAILS ?
Hair & Nails has 3 main actions on the hair
- It stimulates hair growth
- It strengthens the fiber and visibly strengthens the hair
- It keeps hair healthy
What is the difference with Absolu+ Hair?
If Hair & Nails focuses mainly on the health, strength and growth of hair, Absolu+ Hair is more of a hair enhancer which brings volume, beauty, softness and shine to the hair while limiting hair loss .
They are interesting to combine and it is possible to use the duo without risk for 360° action on the hair and increased effectiveness.
How many gummies should I take per day and at what time of the day?
The indicated dose is 2 gummies per day, at any time of the day, during a meal or as a snack.
How long does it take to see the first results?
This varies greatly depending on the user. The first effects can be seen from the first month of taking it . As with all supplements, 3 months of treatment (=3 jars) are necessary for optimal results.
Is the treatment effective on all hair types?
Yes, all hair types need nourishment from within to be healthy and stronger.
Is the product suitable for children and adolescents?
Hair & Nails is not recommended for children and adolescents as a precaution. The vitamins, minerals and plants have been dosed with effective doses for adults but which may be too high for smaller body sizes and ages.
Is it suitable for both men and women?
Yes, our product works equally well on men and women; to fight against hair loss and strengthen the scalp for example.
This product is recommended for beard growth!
Can pregnant and breastfeeding women consume the product?
As a precautionary principle, Hair & Nails is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Can hair on the rest of the body grow with Hair & Nails?
Indeed, as you have probably noticed, your hair can grow infinitely but your hair stops growing when it reaches a certain length.
The location of hairs, their growth speed and their length are genetically programmed.
The food supplement will not be able to act on what is genetically programmed because the body will not allow it.
On the other hand, hair whose length and growth speed are not programmed will be very receptive to the stimuli provided by the food supplement.
Why not choose brewer's yeast?
It's a choice. Yeast takes up a lot of space, it doesn't lend itself well to the gummy form and its taste is often unpleasant.
Does the product cause hair loss?
No, it's quite the opposite.
Hair & Nails provides vitamins whose deficiency has been shown to cause hair loss. In particular, Hair & Nails provides vitamin C and vitamin A which improves iron absorption. It is a known fact that iron deficiency leads to hair loss. Improving its absorption therefore reduces the risk of deficiency and falls!
Can the product solve dandruff problems?
It can in fact contribute to this thanks to the presence of horsetail, a plant with fabulous antioxidant power. The latter helps protect cells against oxidative stress (caused by pollution, sun rays), which leads to oxidation and death of cells (dead cells = dandruff).
They adopted it!
For further
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