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Rajeunisseur de peau à base d'acide hyaluronique

Anti rides Tonicité Élasticité Hydratation

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  • A guilt-free indulgence with these sugar-free crunchies
  • Delicious natural fruity blackcurrant flavor
  • Anti-aging based on the best hyaluronic acid on the market, natural and vegan.
  • For visibly younger skin in just 28 days
  • Formulated by a doctor specializing in anti-aging treatments.

We deliver all over the world.

France :

Delivery in France and mainland France is free from 54€ of purchase.

Dom Tom :

For an order of less than €35.00, the delivery costs are €4.95.

For an order between €35.01 - €80.00 the delivery costs are €9.90.

For an order over €80.00 the delivery costs are €11.90.

Europe :

For an order of less than €35.00, the delivery costs are €6.00.

For an order between €35.01 - €80.00 the delivery costs are €7.00.

For an order over €80.00 the delivery costs are €9.90.

Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria:

For an order of less than €60.00, the delivery costs are €9.90.

For an order over €60.00 the delivery costs are €14.90.

Do not hesitate to contact us for a specific rate.


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Pot en PET recyclable avec bouchon en aluminium doré recyclable contenant 60 comprimés à croquer rose à l&
Complément alimentaire sous un format délicieux à croquer à l&
Cure de jouvence pour rajeunir la peau, diminuer la profondeur et le volume des rides, améliorer la tonicité et la fermeté de la peau et pour hydrater la peau. Contient un acide hyaluronique vegan ayant fait l&
Des compléments alimentaires à base d&
Complément jeunesse éco conçu fabriqué en france dans une usine verte. Présenté dans un packaging recyclable avec des cartons issus de forêts durablement gérées et imprimés avec des encres végétales ils s&
pot de compléments alimentaires anti-âge et antiride saveur cassis à base d&
Etiquette d&
Pour une belle peau, jeune, élastique, tonique, hydratée et lissée, associez les gummies sans sucres Gold & Glow avec les comprimés à croquer Absolu + Young rajeunisseurs de peau
Delivery within 48 working hours
Free delivery in mainland France from 54€ purchase
Pay in installments with Paypal and Scalapay
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For who ?

People with mature/aging skin (from 25 years old)
✓People with specific skin
People with damaged skin
✓People with dehydrated skin
✓People exposed to heat, UVs, wind, etc,
✓People with hormonal problems
✓People with a poor lifestyle


Skin Rejuvenator based on Vegan Hyaluronic Acid: Anti-wrinkles - Tone - Elasticity - Hydration

Your elixir of youth takes the form of delicious black currant flavored chewable tablets with Absolute+ Young. Serving your youth, a natural and vegan hyaluronic acid with scientifically proven effectiveness: ExceptionHYAL® Star*. A name that perfectly reflects its exceptional power to spectacularly stimulate the elasticity, there firmness, L'hydration and the tone of your skin while smoothing wrinkles. Of the 28 days, your skin looks more young, imagine the result in 3 months?


Anti-Aging Tablets with Unparalleled Skin Benefits

  • Stimulate it endogenous synthesis of hyaluronic acid: + 40.3%*
  • Stimulate it tone and the firmness of the skin: +5.1%*
  • Stimulates the elasticity of the skin: +3.8%*
  • Boost it hydration of the skin: +10.6%*
  • Reduces water loss transepidermal: -3.9% *
  • Reduces the wrinkles: -18.8%* (depth) & -17.6%* (volume)
  • Help them mature skin to regain their youth
  • Help them young skin from 25 years old to prevent the appearance of signs of aging

 * According to a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study on 60 women, 200 mg/day of ExceptionHYAL® star, 28 days.
ExceptionHYAL® is a registered trademark of ROELMI HPC.


AssetsFor 3 tablets
ExceptionHYAL®: Sodium hyaluronate (Including hyaluronic acid)200 mg (179.58 mg
Hibiscus flower extract60 mg

ExceptionHYAL® is a registered trademark of ROELMI HPC. This hyaluronic acid comes from the biofermentation, a process natural and vegan. This 2.0 generation of hyaluronans uses Full Spectrum technology to perfectly imitate tissue biology and mimic what happens naturally in the body. A perfect assimilation for a clinically proven optimal effectiveness from 28 days of use.

FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS: Sweeteners: xylitol and sucralose, bulking agent: sorbitol, blackcurrant fruit juice powder (Ribes nigrum), ExceptionHYAL® : sodium hyaluronate including hyaluronic acid, natural blackcurrant flavouring with other natural flavourings, beetroot juice powder (Beta vulgaris), hibiscus flower extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids, acidifying agent: citric acid. Plants: from Europe and outside Europe.


✓ How much? 3 tablets per day.

✓ When? At any time of the day: during a meal or as a snack. From the age of 25.

✓ How long? 3 months to be renewed 1 to 2 times a year.

✓ Promises? First results in the first month. Optimal results after 3 months*.

*Results may vary from person to person.

Precautions for use

Does not exempt you from a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Store in a cool, dry place and away from light.

Keep out of reach of young children.

✓Not recommended for pregnant women.

Seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist for children and breastfeeding women.

Excess use may result in laxative effects.

Our advice

You would like to complement the specific effect of Absolu+ Young on the signs of aging with a more overall effect on your skin? So the gummies Gold & Glow (here) are made for you!

With age, you see the contours of your eyes getting tired? Turn to the gummies Eye & Contour (here) in addition to your treatment.

You are subject to age spots? So our chewable supplement Absolu+ White (here) can help you even out your skin.


Save up to -28.8€ by putting together your pack of 2 to 6 products by clicking here.

✓ Personnes avec une peau mature/vieillissante (dès 25 ans)
✓ Personnes avec une peau spécifique
✓ Personnes avec une peau abîmée
✓ Personnes avec une peau déshydratée
✓ Personnes exposées à la chaleur, aux UVs, au vent, etc ;
✓ Personnes présentant des problèmes hormonaux
✓ Personnes avec une mauvaise hygiène de vie

Rajeunisseur de Peau : Antirides - Tonicité - Elasticité - Hydratation

Votre élixir de jouvence prend la forme de délicieux comprimés à croquer aromatisés au cassis avec Absolu+ Young. Au service de votre jeunesse, un acide hyaluronique naturel et vegan à l'efficacité scientifiquement prouvée : ExceptionHYAL® Star*. Un nom qui reflète parfaitement son exceptionnel pouvoir à stimuler de façon spectaculaire l'élasticité, la fermeté, l'hydratation et la tonicité de votre peau tout en lissant les rides. Dès 28 jours, votre peau paraît plus jeune, imaginez donc le résultat en 3 mois ?

Des Comprimés Anti-Âge aux Bienfaits Cutanés Inégalés

  • Stimule la synthèse endogène d'acide hyaluronique : + 40.3%*
  • Stimule la tonicité et la fermeté de la peau : +5.1%*
  • Stimule l'élasticité de la peau : +3.8%*
  • Booste l'hydratation de la peau : +10.6%*
  • Diminue les pertes d'eau transépidermiques: -3.9% *
  • Réduit les rides : -18.8%* (profondeur) & -17.6%* (volume)
  • Aide les peaux matures à retrouver leur jeunesse
  • Aide les peaux jeunes dès 25 ans à prévenir l'apparition des signes de l'âge

* Selon une étude clinique randomisée, double-aveugle, sous contrôle placebo, sur 60 femmes, 200mg/j d'ExceptionHYAL® star, 28 jours. ExceptionHYAL® est une marque déposée de ROELMI HPC.

Actifs Pour 3 comprimés
ExceptionHYAL® : Hyaluronate de sodium (Dont acide hyaluronique) 200 mg (179, 58 mg)
Extrait de fleur d'hibiscus 60 mg

ExceptionHYAL® est une marque déposée de ROELMI HPC. Cet acide hyaluronique est issu de la biofermentation, un processus naturel et vegan. Cette génération 2.0 d'hyaluronanes utilise la technologie Full Spectrum pour imiter à la perfection la biologie des tissus et mimer ce qui se passe naturellement dans le corps. Une assimilation parfaite pour une efficacité optimale cliniquement prouvée dès 28 jours d'utilisation.

LA LISTE COMPLÈTE DES INGRÉDIENTS : Édulcorants : xylitol et sucralose, agent de charge : sorbitol, poudre de jus de fruit de cassis (Ribes nigrum), ExceptionHYAL® : hyaluronate de sodium dont acide hyaluronique, arôme naturel de cassis avec autres arômes naturels, poudre de jus de betterave (Beta vulgaris), extrait de fleur d’hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), antiagglomérant : sels de magnésium d’acides gras, acidifiant : acide citrique. Plantes : origine Europe et hors Europe.

✓ Combien ? 3 comprimés par jour.

✓ Quand ? A n’importe quel moment de la journée : au cours d’un repas ou en grignotage. Dès l’âge de 25 ans.

✓ Combien de temps ? 3 mois à renouveler 1 à 2 fois par an.

✓ Promesses ? De premiers résultats le premier mois. Des résultats optimaux au bout de 3 mois.*

*Les résultats peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre.

✓ Ne dispense pas d'une alimentation variée et équilibrée et d'un mode de vie sain.

✓ Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière recommandée.

✓ A conserver au frais, au sec et à l'abri de la lumière.

✓ Tenir hors de la portée des jeunes enfants.

✓ Déconseillé chez les femmes enceintes.

✓ Demander conseil à un médecin ou pharmacien pour les enfants et les femmes allaitantes.

✓ Une consommation excessive peut avoir des effets laxatifs.

Vous souhaitez compléter l'effet spécifique d'Absolu+ Young sur les signes de l'âge par un effet plus global sur votre peau ? Alors les gummies Gold & Glow (ici) sont faits pour vous !

Avec l'âge, vous voyez le contour de votre œil se fatiguer ? Tournez vous vers les gummies Eye & Contour (ici) en complément de votre cure.

Vous êtes sujette aux tâches de vieillesse ? Alors notre complément à croquer Absolu+ White (ici) peut vous aider à unifier votre peau.

Economisez jusqu'à -28.8€ en composant votre pack de 2 à 6 produits en cliquant ici.

Complete the benefits

Perfect match

femme brune tenant proche de son visage un flacon de l'huile anti-âge hydratante la prune de l'aube de couleur prune avec un bouchon argenté
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huile cosmétique anti-âgefemme brune tenant proche de son visage un flacon de l&
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Proven results


After 3 months

Questions about this product?

ABSOLUTE + YOUNG : What is it?

It is a course of food supplements in the form of fruity blackcurrant flavored chewable tablets which improve the hydration, elasticity and tone of the skin while smoothing wrinkles.

What are the benefits of ABSOLUTE + YOUNG

Absolu+ Young owes its benefits to a 2.0 hyaluronic acid: EXCEPTION'HYAL® . These benefits have been scientifically demonstrated in a clinical study carried out on 30 women for 28 days, here they are:

+ 40.3% hyaluronic acid in the blood

+ 10.6% hydration

- 3.9% water loss

+ 3.8% elasticity

+ 5.1% tone

- 18.8% wrinkle depth

- 17.6% wrinkle volume

What is the difference with Absolu+ White?

Absolu+ Young specifically targets skin rejuvenation while this is just a “bonus” effect for Absolu+ White.

The mechanisms of action are different.

Absolu+ Young will provide hyaluronic acid, a constituent element of the skin which decreases with age. This reduction leads to distension and sagging of the skin.

Absolu+ White provides white pomegranate extract which, thanks to its powerful antioxidants, will fight against premature aging of the skin and simulate the synthesis of new blood vessels to improve the appearance of the skin.

Absolu+ White, however, is interesting to use for anti-aging purposes if you do not like the taste of Absolu+ Young or if contraindications prevent you from taking it.

What is the difference with Gold & Glow?

Gold & Glow is like a day cream to enjoy. Its action is global.

On the other hand, Absolu+ Young is more like a serum that targets a specific problem: the signs of aging.

So, it may be interesting to combine the two to improve your skin overall while targeting what is causing you problems.

Can I combine Absolu+ Young and Gold & Glow?

Yes of course, they were designed to be combined without risk. They are also very complementary.

How many tablets should I take per day and at what time of the day?

The indicated dose is 3 chewable tablets per day, at any time of the day, during a meal or as a snack.

How long does it take to see the first results?

This varies greatly depending on the user. The first effects can be seen from the first month of taking it. The study carried out on the main ingredient was in fact carried out over 28 days. As with all supplements, 3 months of treatment (~4 jars) are necessary for optimal results.

Is the treatment effective on all skin types?

Yes, the treatment is effective on all skin types.

From the age of 25, on young skin, it is useful for prevention, to delay the appearance of the first signs of aging. In this case, the results will be less visible because we will be on a preventive basis. It will still be possible to observe an improvement in the tone, elasticity and hydration of the skin.

On mature skin, the results will be more visible, with a reduction in wrinkles of greater or lesser importance depending on their severity.

Is the product suitable for children and adolescents.

As with all food supplements, Absolu+ Young should be kept out of the reach of young children. For children, it is advisable to seek advice from a health professional before taking any supplement. There are no contraindications to consumption for adolescents.

Is it suitable for both men and women?

Yes, our product works equally well on men and women.

Why are the tablets softer than the others?

Absolu+ Young contains hyaluronic acid, a molecule naturally present in the skin and capable of absorbing more than 1000 times its weight in water, an essential asset for maintaining skin hydration.

The hyaluronic acid that we use in Absolu+ Young therefore has this power of water absorption which is increased tenfold as its quality is high.

Thus, when the tablet is put in the mouth, the hyaluronic acid expands its capacity and absorbs water from the saliva, softening the tablet.

This phenomenon is none other than the best proof of its effectiveness.

They adopted it!

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

I took the Absolu + YOUNG supplements for 3 months and I am more than delighted with them! My skin is deeply hydrated, my fine lines have clearly faded and it is more toned. I noticed positive results quickly after 1 month! In addition, the chewable tablets have a delicious blackcurrant taste in the mouth. The natural composition is immediately reassuring because there are only 4 ingredients. It is an excellent supplement that provides anti-aging results to the skin.

Wow, so many compliments, thank you Laure!


n skin rejuvenator based on vegan hyaluronic acid with anti-wrinkle action, which stimulates the tone and elasticity of the skin while smoothing wrinkles.
Let's be frank, it won't work miracles on established wrinkles that remain present, but its action is real and clearly visible: After 3 weeks, my skin is more supple, firmer, my complexion is more even. I notice fewer dehydration lines.

Hello Audrey. We thank you for this more than complete and above all very positive review! Thank you a thousand times and have a very nice day :)

Fabienne Surdez
Absolu+young for the skin

These tablets are just amazing. My skin is beautiful and supple, the wrinkles are reduced even though I am almost 48 years old, the people around me give me the impression of being between 40 and 43 years old...
Really very happy to know this complete range and what's more they are natural and taste very good

nalin katia

My skin is much more beautiful, radiant again, toned, less tired, I seem rested, hydrated, the depth of fine lines has diminished.

laetitia ansaldi

an excellent product for a top composition I recommend 100%

1 2

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