You want losing weight but despite all your efforts you haven't lost a single gram? Elixir Detox and Absolute+ Fit will allow you to activate all the essential levers to say goodbye to extra pounds.
Elixir Détox is your main ally to help you eliminate all excess: toxins, water and fats. This fruity cherry-blackcurrant flavored powder disperses like magic in water to transform it into a true detoxifying, draining and slimming elixir.
Absolu+ Fit is the very definition of losing weight while having fun! Enjoy these delicious grenadine flavored crunchies and find that they increase your satiety and reduce your desire to eat. No more snacking and overeating. Your food intake and therefore your caloric intake is reduced, tipping the energy balance in favor of weight loss.
For a visibly slimmer silhouette, the pack Kilos Killer is undeniably the solution.
Absolu + Fit
Assets | For 2 tablets |
BeanBlock® (bean seed extract) | 201 mg |
Carob seed powder | 450 mg |
BeanBlock® is a registered trademark of Indena SpA. It is a unique, premium and patented triple standardized bean extract. All scientific studies (available on request) are unanimous on its effectiveness.
THE FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS : Bulking agent: sorbitol; carob seed powder (Ceratonia siliqua); sweet potato tuber concentrate (Ipomoea batatas), radish root (Raphanus sativus), cherry (Prunus cerasus), apple (Malus domestica); BeanBlock®: bean seed extract (Phaseolus vulgaris); natural grenadine flavor; anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; acidifier: citric acid; sweetener: sucralose. BeanBlock® is a brand.
Elixir Détox
Assets | For 1 stick |
Cactinea® (nopal fruit extract) | 2000 mg |
Mate leaf extract | 120 mg |
Dandelion Root Powder | 80 mg |
Cherry stem extract | 24 mg |
Cola nut powder | 40 mg |
Cactinea® is a brand of Nexira. Also called nopal or prickly pear, this clean, allergen-free and GMO-free ingredient comes from organic and sustainable farming. It is grown in its country of origin, Tunisia, because the climate there is ideal for filling the plant with essential nutrients. Its effectiveness and safety are proven in 8 scientific studies.
THE FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS : CactineaTM (nopal fruit extract (Opuntia ficus indica)), bulking agent: sorbitol, raspberry powder (Rubus idaeus), sweeteners: xylitol and sucralose, natural cherry flavour, natural blackcurrant flavour with other natural flavourings, mate leaf extract (Ilex paraguariensis), dandelion root powder (Taraxacum officinale), bamboo shoot extract (Bambusa arundinaceae), kola nut powder (Cola nitida), cherry stem extract (Prunus cerasus), anti-caking agent: magnesium salts of fatty acids. CactineaTM is a Nexira brand.
Absolu + Fit
✓ How much ? 3 tablets per day.
✓ When ? At any time of the day: close to meals.
✓ How long ? 3 months to be renewed 1 to 2 times a year.
✓ Promises ? First immediate results (appetite, blood sugar). Optimal results after 3 months* (figure, weight). (silhouette, poids).
*Results may vary from person to person.
Elixir Détox
✓ How much ? Take 1 stick per day in a glass of water (250 ml).
✓ When ? At any time of the day: during a meal or as a snack. Ideal as part of a weight loss program or after rich meals.
✓ How long ? 3 months to be renewed 1 to 2 times a year.
✓ Promises ? First results from 7 days. Optimal results after 3 months*.
*Results may vary from person to person.
Absolu + Fit
✓ Does not exempt you from a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
✓ Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
✓ Store in a cool, dry place and away from light.
✓ Keep out of reach of young children.
✓ Seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist for children and breastfeeding women.
✓ Use in pregnant women is not recommended.
✓ Excess use may result in laxative effects.
✓ People with hypothyroidism or thyroid treatment should first consult a healthcare professional.
Elixir Détox
✓ Does not exempt you from a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
✓ Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
✓ Store in a cool, dry place and away from light.
✓ Keep out of reach of young children.
✓ Not recommended for children.
✓ Do not use if pregnant.
✓ Contains caffeine (6mg per stick), not recommended for breastfeeding women or people sensitive to caffeine.
✓ Excess use may result in laxative effects.
✓ ✓Not recommended in cases of peptic ulcer or biliary obstructions, in cases of edematous heart or kidney failure and known cross-allergy, particularly to plants of the Asteraceae family (dandelion root).
✓ Not recommended in cases of high blood pressure
✓ Avoid consuming sedative or sympathomimetic medications (green mate).
Vous souhaitez compléter l'effet spécifique d'Absolu+ Young sur les signes de l'âge par un effet plus global sur votre peau ? Alors les gummies Gold & Glow (ici) sont faits pour vous !
Différents leviers peuvent être activés pour la perte de poids et l'amincissement. Elixir Détox vous permet une meilleure élimination de l'eau et des toxines et vous aide à brûler vos graisses. Mais il est possible de jouer sur votre balance énergétique en diminuant votre apport énergétique : c'est ce que propose Absolu+ FIT (ici), le régulateur d'appétit par excellence qui va réguler votre appétit et limiter vos fringales. Parfait à combiner avec notre Elixir Détox.
Economisez jusqu'à 28.8€ en composant votre pack de 2 à 6 produits en cliquant ici.
Précautions d'emploi
Contenu du Pack Kilos Killer

Appetite moderator
Hunger Cravings Overweight- Prix normal
$38.00 - Prix normal
$38.00 - Prix de vente
- Comprimés à croquer sans sucres
- Arôme naturel grenadine
- Extrait breveté de haricot BeanBlock®
- Caroube hautement dosée
- Pour réguler faim et fringales et faire pencher la balance énergétique en faveur d'une perte de poids
- Formulés par un médecin

Drainer & Fat Burner
Detox Drains Slimming- Prix normal
$38.00 - Prix normal
$38.00 - Prix de vente
- Poudre précieuse à diluer dans de l'eau
- Arôme naturel cassis-cerise
- À base d'un extrait concentré de figue de barbarie
- Pour drainer, détoxifier et amincir votre corps
- Formulés par un médecin

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