Physical activity, a new barrier gesture? August 09, 2021My REBORN Lack of activity can harm your health A large observational study (48,000 adults) published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) shows that inactive people were 2.3 times more...
Relieve your menstrual cycle: the foolproof routine to adopt! June 21, 2021My REBORN Menstruation, otherwise called “periods”, affects 15.5 million women in France. To give you an idea, they represent 2,200 to 3,000 days in the life of a woman. Since they are...
Perfect tan: Prepare your skin before summer! June 15, 2021My REBORN Excitement is at its peak at the idea of basking in the sun in a month or two, and we understand you! Summer is just around the corner with its...
Nutricosmetics: towards a revolution in our beauty routine? May 31, 2021My REBORN3 comments Nutricosmetics is a concept that brings together nutrition and cosmetics. It brings together all existing food supplements that meet the needs of consumers. It is linked to the concept of...
The super powers of Saffron May 03, 2021My REBORN6 comments Saffron is an adaptogenic plant used for centuries in different indications. It was used as a spice to season dishes, but also as a perfume and as a medicine depending...
Feminine well-being, a new commitment for REBORN March 18, 2021My REBORN1 comment After the exclusive release of our new product LIFE & BALANCE, we would like to return to our commitments and the wishes that accompany this development. What if we talked...