Cheveux qui tombent : tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour affronter l'automne en beauté October 28, 2024My REBORN Qui n'a jamais retrouvé une poignée de cheveux dans sa brosse, surtout en cette période de l'année ? La perte de cheveux est un phénomène tout à fait normal, lié...
Comment réparer des cheveux abîmés sans les couper ? September 16, 2024My REBORN Avoir des cheveux abîmés peut être frustrant et décourageant, surtout lorsqu'on souhaite éviter une coupe radicale pour éliminer les parties endommagées. Heureusement, il existe des méthodes efficaces pour réparer et...
💡These essential tips that will make your hair grow faster May 23, 2024My REBORN Having beautiful hair is a desire shared by many people, transcending cultural boundaries and differences in style. Hair beauty goes far beyond aesthetics, it touches on self-confidence and personal expression....
🪄Discover the power of keratin to take care of your hair beauty March 18, 2024My REBORN In our incessant quest for beauty and well-being, we are constantly looking for effective and natural solutions to enhance our appearance. Among the many ingredients that have proven themselves in...
🏭Pollution & Hair: Preserve the health and shine of hair February 12, 2024My REBORN In the hectic world of our modern lives, our hair is exposed to a constant challenge: the quality of our environment. Our mane, a silent witness to our daily lives,...
The art of Shampooing: These 10 essential tips for radiant hair November 26, 2023My REBORN The shampoo ritual is a fundamental step in the hair care routine. It's not just about washing your hair, but giving it the love and attention it deserves. Healthy, radiant...
Pregnancy and hair: How to stop hair loss after childbirth October 22, 2023My REBORN The arrival of a baby is a time of joy and major upheaval in a woman's life. However, amid all the emotions and adjustments, many moms may face a surprising...
Sticky hair? Here are the causes and our natural solutions to get rid of them. September 25, 2023My REBORN Have you ever felt that unpleasant feeling of sticky and greasy hair , even after washing it? If so, you are not alone. Sticky hair is a common hair problem...
✨Dream hair thanks to these foods June 03, 2023My REBORN “ Food is our first medicine ”. A quote that applies both to your general health and to the health of your hair . Because yes, your diet is the...
Beware of industrial shampoos May 01, 2023My REBORN Never before has getting clean dirtied the planet so much. We can no longer count the brands that have made a fortune selling conventional and, let's say it, industrial liquid...
❗Attention! These habits can ruin your hair! February 27, 2023My REBORN At Reborn Paris, we know that healthy hair is the reflection of a healthy lifestyle and a suitable hair routine . Having beautiful hair may seem like a difficult task,...
Secrets to sublime hair depending on its type: advice and recommended products February 20, 2023My REBORN Do you dream of having shiny, healthy hair ? Did you know that to achieve this, it is important to know your hair type and adapt your care routine accordingly?...